Books by Alan S. Goldberger
[Table of Contents] ... 52 KB pdf
This book is the essential guide for sports officials and those who supervise, manage and use their services. Its contents are a clear indication that officiating in today's world is not like the "old days." Contemporary officiating practice now must be guided by the legal realities officials are confronted with when they take to the floor, field, diamond or pitch. This book is the definitive exposition of these new realities. Legal rights and responsibilities of game officials and officiating associations are featured, as well as expanded reviews of legal duties of officials in ten sports. In addition to completely new and expanded "Legal Checkups" for Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Football, Wrestling, and Soccer officials, four new sports have been added to the Second Edition. Officials who work Lacrosse, Volleyball, Track & Field, and Swimming will find their own "Legal Checkups." The first edition of SPORTS OFFICIATING: A LEGAL GUIDE has been named one of "The 17 Essential Books of the Well Read Official" by Referee Magazine.
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Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law (Third Edition)
By Neil J. Dougherty, Alan S. Goldberger, & Linda
Jean Carpenter
Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law, 3rd Edition is a new edition of
the popular college text that takes a practical approach to using the
law as a day-to-day management tool. The reader is introduced to the
law and the American legal system in terms of practical applications to
sports and recreation. The basics of the law for those working, or
intending to work in the sports and athletic industries are explained in
clear and concise fashion. Included are practical discussions of
principles of risk management, liability for negligence, legal issues
regarding violence, codes of conduct, responsibilities of game
officials, breach of contract, product liability, and the legal rights
of athletes, coaches, and administrators, This new edition features
supplementary case studies, management guidelines, and discussion
questions to help clarify each concept.
For more information, please click [HERE]
Sports Officiating A Legal Guide
[Table of Contents]
Alan S. Goldberger. This is the first and only volume written for game officials on the legal aspects of sports officiating. Goldberger writes in a straightforward, candid manner in a style that the lay person can easily understand. From your liability for players' injuries to the role of the officials' associations, this is a complete guide covering all your legal matters as an official. Individual "legal checkups" for baseball, softball, basketball, football, soccer, and wrestling officials are also included. This book is a must - advising you how to avoid legal hassles. SPORTS OFFICIATING: A LEGAL GUIDE has been named one of "The 17 Essential Books of the Well-Read Official" by Referee Magazine in its June, 2003, issue.
Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law (Second Edition)
By Neil J. Dougherty, Alan S. Goldberger, & Linda Jean
[Table of Contents]
Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law takes a practical
approach, exemplifying how to use the law as a day-to-day
management tool. Issues discussed in this edition include risk
management, responsibilities of game officials, breach of
contract, product liability, role of the EEOC, right to
participate, and statutes such as the American with Disabilities
Act. This new edition features supplementary case studies,
management guidelines, and discussion questions to help clarify
each concept. It's much easier to prevent a legal problem than
to resolve one.
Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law
By Neil J. Dougherty, David Auxter, Alan S. Goldberger, and Gregg S. Heinzmann
[Table of Contents]
Knowledge of the law is vital for anyone involved in administering sport and physical activity programs. But for many administrators, finding answers to the legal situations and dilemmas that arise every day can be difficult and time-consuming. Now students and professionals can find the legal knowledge they need to manage programs effectively and avoid legal problems in Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law. It's a comprehensive, single-volume text that makes sport law concepts easy to understand and apply.
Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law takes a practical approach showing you how to use the law as a management tool to address day-to-day issues like the right to participate, liability for injuries, the effective assertion of legal rights, risk management, the legal status of organizations that govern sport, and statutes such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. The book features 68 real-world cases that illustrate legal concepts as they have been applied in sport and recreation programs. And special Canadian applications, written by a Canadian attorney, address the major differences between U.S. and Canadian law.
Alan S. Goldberger
75 Lane Rd, Suite 206
P.O. Box 11084
Fairfield, NJ 07004-1044
Telephone: 973-301-1900 • 973-471-9200 • 212-401-6900
Facsimile: 973-836-0201
Copyright © Alan S. Goldberger 1999-
All Legal Rights Reserved.
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Alan S. Goldberger